AI in Africa & SDGs: Bridging Networks and Fostering Climate Action
Organized by: Network for Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge and SUStainable development
Date: 11th of June 2024
Location: Malmö, Sweden
Website: https://hhai-conference.org/2024/workshops-tutorials/
This workshop is a part of the 3rd International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence held on June 10-14 2024 in Malmö, Sweden. It is hosted at Malmö University, in cooperation with Umeå University (Sweden).
The “AI in Africa & SDGs: Bridging Networks and Fostering Climate Action” workshop, hosted by Naixus, aims to harness Artificial Intelligence (AI) for advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on climate action in Africa. This event features a Half-Day Workshop exploring AI’s role in climate resilience, sustainable agriculture, and policy support for SDGs, alongside a Discovery Workshop facilitating brief, impactful presentations on AI innovations for SDGs. Designed to stimulate discussion, encourage collaboration, and showcase AI solutions, the workshop seeks to connect researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and communities across Africa.
By highlighting successful AI projects and fostering knowledge exchange, this initiative endeavors to strengthen networks for AI and SDGs in Africa, outline actionable strategies for leveraging AI in climate action, and contribute to the achievement of SDGs through innovative technological applications. Open to a wide range of participants, the workshop is a step towards creating a sustainable future through the intersection of AI technology and sustainable development in Africa.
Time | Activity | Details | |
09:00 | Welcome | Opening Remarks | John Shawe-Taylor, Davor Orlic and Essa Mohamedali |
09:00 – 09:30 | Paper Presentation | Building an African Water Observatory from Open Data and AI | Joao Pita Cost, IRCAI, and Mustapha Zaouni, AI Africa |
09:30 – 10:00 | Paper Presentation | A Data-driven Model for Sustainable Deployment of Water Resources in Africa | Simon Ndogo Ndung’u, Kabarak University |
10:00 – 10:30 | Paper Presentation | Twiga: the RAG-backed WhatsApp bot for Tanzanian Teachers |
Magnus Oldensand, Tanzania AI Community |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee Break | ||
11:00 – 11:30 | Paper Presentation | Improving the Use of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Protocols in Tanzania | Essa Mohamedali, Tanzania AI Community Victor |
11:30 – 12:00 | Paper Presentation | “Hello Afrika”, Speech Commands in Kinyarwanda | Nirel Kadzo, CMU Africa |
12:00 – 12:30 | Paper Presentation | Opportunities for Property Valuation and Sustainable Growth with Machine Learning and Alternative Data in Kenya | Gabriel Isaac Lacson Ramolete, Aboitiz Data Innovation |
12:30 – 13:00 | Paper Presentation | Leveraging AI for Climate Resilience in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Need for Collaboration | Amal Nammouchi, Sabrina Amrouche, AfriClimate AI |
13:00 – 13:30 | Paper Presentation | Determination the use of digital tools solving energy-water inefficiency of irrigation systems | Edmond Anthony Ng’walago |
13:00 – 13:05 | Closing Remarks | Reflections and Debate | John Shawe-Taylor, Davor Orlic and Essa Mohamedali |
Note: Each presentation slot includes a 5-minute Q&A session.

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