- In order to structure the activities, the network will focus on relevant scientific or technological challenges with industrial relevance and investment potential in segments where it can make a difference, either in building on strengths, or strengthening knowledge to fill gaps critical for AI and sustainability;
- Based on these challenges, the network will develop and implement common research agendas;
- Progress will be demonstrated in the context of use-cases, also helping to foster industry-academia collaboration;
- Strong links will be developed among the members of the network, notably through collaborative projects, exchange programmes, or other mechanisms to be defined by the consortia;
- The network will disseminate the latest and most advanced knowledge to all the academic and industrial AI laboratories, and involve them in collaborative projects/exchange programmes;
- The network will develop interactions with the industry (inside the consortium and beyond), and international policymaking organisations in view of triggering new scientific questions and fostering take-up of scientific advances;
- Overall, the network will become a virtual center of excellence, offering access to knowledge and serve as a reference in their chosen specific field, including activities to ensure visibility.